Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The “Good” in the “Bad”!!!

The world changes, heading towards 2012, global warming, endless emotional rollercoaster and the doom and gloomed of tomorrow. Is this really true!!!
Why is it that many tend to concentrate on the bad side of things?

Are we really designed within our conditioned society to look at the bad in all things?

These sort of changes within societies and planetary has been happening since the beginning of time and will still continue. It is all part of the cycle of life on planet Earth. Many generations have had floods, Tsunami’s, meteors, plagues, destructions through wars. What about this moment you are in right NOW?

Do we as “Human Beings” really need that sort of negativity to bring out the best in us? YES or NO…

We do not have to wait for something to fall on our heads to do something we still have a choice.

What are the choices:
• The choice to have a choice
• Choices to become the real “YOU”
• Choices to move from any situation or circumstance
• Choices to be heard
• Choice to be strong
• Choice to help and receive help
• Choice of good relationships, partner, friends, family etc
• Choice to be rich, physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually
• Choice to change silently within
• Choices to just “BE”
• Choice to love and receive love
There are more points that can be added.

It is still up to “YOU” in any situation to change the bad to a good.
Is it ever bad anyway? Without it we may not have wanted to change to grow or become the best that we can be.

When I did a seminar in my late 20’s the facilitator asked some questions relating and circumstances that people had faced in their lives up to the day. There were 88 people in the class that went for 10 days. We all had to stand for the exercise and when the facilitator read out the list adversity, we would sit down if he mentions one we had not been through. He read out more than 20 points and people keep on sitting down I was left standing. I felt so embarrassed standing there alone also knowing that he was going to continue reading while every little biddy eye was on me… he just laughed. That day everyone came to thank me talk to me about how much of an inspiration I have been to them.
I learned that day how strong I was. I took it for granted that many people around me as I was growing up had the same or more adversity in their lives. So I never really though I was a survivor. I wanted change and I went about looking for others to help me with that change.

Can we overcome any adversity?
Would it not be fair to say that we all have had adversity in our lives at some point and overcome them with strength in our heart?
Has it not made us stronger to continue in our lives and with our loved ones?
Did that very bad adversity bring families, neighbours, communities together, sharing, caring and supporting each other within that very situation?

Can you change your circumstances?

Yes we all can, no matter where we are born into whether it is conditioning or environment.

We hear and see many things that are happening on our planet due to the technological insight provide us. In the past generation they didn’t have that update to the world.
Yes by all means many would say we want to know what is happening and we do not want to be in the dark.
To know about what is happening in our world is one thing; to get caught up in the web of it all is allowing ourselves to get affected by it.

What is it that you may want to change to take control of your life?
What is important to you?

Could it be:
• Revaluating your Values
• The people in your life
• The media you may watch
• The place you may need to leave or move to
• The relationships that may need some work
• That work you are in and the learning’s you may like to look at such as temperament, understanding, discernment
• That financial situation that may need your attention, refinancing, bankruptcy, consolidating, another job, moving house or suburb
• Assistance for support to talk, to evaluate your options

You can get assistance, you are not alone. There are many institutions available to you in your community, state, internet, ask others. It is possible at any time and circumstances.

Remember this “YOU” have a choice to whatever you want to happen in your life. Anything is possible.

Wishing you all the right choices for you now and always. There are no wrong choices just make one and expand on what you have made.

“When the choice is to be right or to be kind,
Always make the choice that brings peace.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer

Monday, August 10, 2009

What can we do in these times of hardship?

Do we stay optimistic
• Do we fight our way like bulldozers
• Do we lay blame on the world, the people and society or make a stand for ourselves and our children.
• Or we just hide from it all until it goes away, even hide from ourselves.

How do we start letting go of this roller coaster on our agenda…
Small steps towards change:

• Getting back our balance in our daily living by not giving up no matter what age you are, physical challenges that you may be in or financial circumstances that is facing you..

• Finding another way of doing things or living conditions. Such as sharing accommodations, renting an extra room in the house.

• Getting a helping hand from a neighbour friend or putting an advertisement on a community notice board or other, to share skills for you to make that extra Bedroom in your house rentable with a separate entrance.

• Getting families living together again for a better living conditions and support with the finances until you get back on your feet.

• Getting involved within the community that will support many.

• Connecting with similar people that are facing the same situations for support. Some will want help some will not, that is how human nature works.

• Make a difference even in the community to assist others.

• Start your own group from home by sharing with others baking, grow vegetable, livestock or pickle. Start with friend and family to share or buying groceries in bulk.

• Car pool for work, children to school and grocery shopping.

• Becoming more self reliant by talking to others. Go out of our comfort zones by asking for help. It may not be easy at first but you will find that most likely the neighbours are going through the same as you. ( I have a friend that got herself in a situation financially and a couple of friends wanted to help in this situation. She refused help and sometimes you have to let those people go.

• Be open to “RECEIVING” help, friendship, money, gifts. If you are closed it will become harder to receive. I found there are many people that have been givers find it difficult at first to receive help for themselves in these challenging times.

• Becoming more self sufficient in the garden

• Creating a community garden to support several network of people

• Creating community” Skill Team” to assist those that are disadvantage, house bound or others in need to feel grateful again after losses.

• Connecting with other people on line that may assist you and exchange opportunities in your country or worldwide. There are always opportunities around no matter what the financial times may be. I found a part-time biz opportunity that I share with others world wide and building to full time . So can you. Check out my blog

• Creating a community group for web skills for those that are mature, young mums, people that want to learn to expand their skills or share their skills

• Taking back you empowerment and getting stronger is looking beyond adversity and stepping beyond the boundaries of what has happened

• Moving forward to the possibilities rather than harping on what has happened which will get anyone down or sickness to set in from emotional content

• Getting away from the media, newspapers, news, even some people etc that will only fuels more insecurities upon you rather than having a solution

These are just a few suggestions that anyone can do for themselves and for their environment. The choices are always up to the individual that are willing to go beyond the boundaries of time and circumstances.

We can be crippled by our environment or we can make a stand towards making our lives better. No matter what happens we are strong individuals that have created the Pyramids, gone through the floods, adversity of many things. This is our turn to shine the light through it all.

What is it that “YOU” are going to do for yourself, your community and the planet? It is always up to “US” and starts in the heart of the matter!!!

Grief, Loses, Release, Completion, Healing

These challenging times may have greeted us on our doorstep but where in the past we may have felt separated now many have been given a helping hand far and wide.

We as humans everywhere have brought out the best in all of us in these challenging times. We as a whole have come together to assist each other for the whole to strengthen, regroup and prosper with proud ness of being human.
Congratulation to all and all.

Loses may be everywhere for many but we can all re-look, rethink the matter at hand rather than getting caught up in the emotional rollercoaster and the media.
With loses comes shock, denial, anger, guilt, frustration, anxiety, depression and emotional storms.

We may go through the grieving process according to the individual’s makeup, with some it may take days months or years for a greater loss. Cry if you need to that is also part of the healing process of letting go of the old phases .It is a normal part of letting go rather than getting caught up with the anger and resentment.
The upside side to this pain is growth; sometimes we may not see this at first when all the emotions are on our doorstep. The phases of emotional expression turn into acceptance, regaining perspective and the beginning of healing of many.

All types of loses small or large has a grieving process it will vary according to the intensity of emotional attachments. On the other side of that letting go becomes clarity to you and to the whole.

Accepting that change that has greeted us all everywhere will change us, strengthen and empower us all within all our life.

Just breath and breath some more, by the sea, in the garden and in the evenings. It will bring grounding and just that little step towards upliftment to many.
Wishing you all the very best on your journey of letting go of the past and into your new beginning.

How is “YOUR” journey right “NOW”?

We spend all of our time running around doing task in our daily life and our work. It’s not to say it is necessary because our family is very important to all of us so is the income for our survival.

Are we all destined to be on the go, running around and overdo our entire living life? Is our journey to living life only this!!!

What is this all about? We were not born with a road map to what to do on our journey. We all have relied on our conditioning along the way for lessons, growth along the way that is how it always has been.
How many of us really enjoy the journey we are on, no matter what is happening within it right now?

Do you have a choice and will you stop long enough to
• Watch the sunset
• Watch the sunrise
• Watch the autumn leaves fall
• See the wind swaying the branches in your backyard
• Have a bath without the phone
• Sit in the sun
• Switch the Mobile off
• Sit long enough to have a great cup of coffee without interruptions
• have a fun conversation
• Laugh out loud because it’s fun
• Smile and say “Hello” to someone on the street
• Sit long enough to hear your heart beat
• Give 10 Min's a Day to “YOURSELF”

Don't “You” deserve this, to feed your spirit regenerate your soul on your life’s journey?

Yes we all know of this but what do we really do about it. Do we still make excuses of you know…, dismiss it for another day or put it in the hard basket?

How do we start listening to the voice that speaks with intent and have the best intentions on our journey within all of us?

It does not take much effort
• It does notcost you anything
• It does not take away from you
• It does not demand anything of you
• It does not need a peaceful surrounding with candles
• It does not need a 5 star Hotel

It only wants “YOU” to sit still long enough to listen to the little voice inside.
“BEING” is not some great big thing out there in the sky it is the stillness within “YOU” no where else. Within that stillness there is everything that you need on your journey. Give yourself a chance to experience the best that you can be by just listening long enough to your intuition.

It is time to nurture and give to you? I am not talking from a selfish point of view, but replenishing yourself from overdoing and over giving. It is the beginning of moving forward into the new way of thinking and doing in all our lives.

Wishing you all the very best on your journey of discovery to whatever you chose to become and create on your journey from now on.

A FREE focused attention audio for 10 Min's will be available on line in September. It will be directed to connecting you more to the knowing.
It is a gateway to your inner voice and your intuitive connection for your journey.