Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ways to BEAT the Recession Negativity!!!

The Time has come for you to make a stand Now towards’ your Future.
You can continue getting caught in the web on negative media or you can make a choice to change it. These are just some of the things that can be done in everyone life.
  • Avoid newspapers, magazines, news, TV mania of the crisis, to get some composure towards clarity within you and for creating your new environment.
    Less is always a benefit to get you out of the negative and into clarity of where you are right Now.

  • How do I clean up my life and environment of people that weight me down with negative input?
  • You can get yourself sorted with a positive working environment for your future. Make room for your space in the house or your personal room to get you started.
    (When I lived in Queensland I did not have the space for doing my pastel drawings. I couldn't’t do them outside because I was living on Tamborine Mountain. I manage to create beautiful Art pieces in a friend garage that was under her house with gravel and mud on the door step. The door to the garage was always open and the gravel and mud sloped into the garage, get the picture. It was all a state of mind and focusing my attention on what I needed to do for the moment.)

  • Clean up the clutter of the house, the entrance to your house, friends, wardrobe, the shed and garden.
    (Make a list of what needs to be done and take small steps towards doing them. When there are a lot of changes on the agenda this can be overwhelming to do.
    Dedicate yourself to making a difference in your life once or twice a week by removing clutter in areas where it is most needed. You can do it! It becomes easier when you see the results in front of you and how it makes you feel. Start with a room at a time.

  • How do I remove clutter from family and friend?
    I am not suggesting to get rid of everybody in your life but be selective on the TIME you give to the people in question.
    There is also an aspect of Discernment and Temperament with people in your environment. We can lay the blame on others but we are all responsible for our actions.
    You have choices to say “NO” ,“NOT NOW” ,"EXCUSE YOURSELF", “I ONLY HAVE 10MIN OR 30 MIN, on the phone or in other situation.
    You cannot help yourself or anyone else when you feel drained,over do, overwhelmed,angry, pissed off or could’t be bothered.
    Make a stand for “YOU” this is the time Now not tomorrow. Don’t you deserve it? Are you not worthy to have the space or time to recoup and heal?
  • Mental clutter is the highest killer of progress not just in your life but others as well.
    Do you know of anyone or know anyone that may say these phrases? “Oh I don’t know”, Excuses of “What IF”s this or that..., I don’t know how this or that works, I’m too old to do that now you know, I lost …, I don’t have the money, just to name a few.
    There are always options, choices, opportunities in any circumstance you are born into and situation you may be in right now. Yes it is a fact that the world is going through a financial crisis and many people are or going through it right now.
    In times of any crisis there are always opportunities if you are willing to look outside of the boundaries you have created for yourself. First letting go of the old losses and the circumstances may just be a bit of a little of a battle at first. There is always a clarity of any situation once there is a letting go. Reading this may be giving you options and choices how to overcome them wherever you may be in the world. There will be a "Focused attention audio" to realising stress and losses in the near future. This may assist many with releasing the old and allowing more clarity towards direction. There is also an opportunity available financially if you so choose to take in on to build a part-time or full time business. Check Alexandras Blog or

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